-E (E MINUS) is a spin-off of the game jam POSE.
Anyone can participate, with any level of skill. Submissions can be made with absolutely anything, even if it barely counts as a "game engine".
There are no quality requirements.
Potential themes will be revealed one week prior to the start date.
So what's different?
- -E takes place over 1 week.
- You have TWO themes you may include in your game instead of just one.
(Note that just like POSE, theme participation is technically not mandatory, however it is *highly encouraged* for -E)
There are separate awards for both themes, and one for the best use of both.
- You can participate in a SACRED BATTLE, a war of incredible proportions.
LIFE AND DEATH - A Sacred Battle
SACRED BATTLES are the first E-MINUS experiment.
When submitting your game, you must choose a side. The awards you receive will count towards that side's Final Score!
The team you submitted under will not be displayed on the site until votes have been processed to prevent any voting bias.
There is no rule against publically saying what team you're on or working together, but it is highly stressed that you vote based on the contents of a game and not due to the Sacred Battle!
If you do not submit something, you do not represent a team! The only way to support a team in the POPULARITY CONTEST is by joining and submitting something yourself!
Neutral parties are still able to participate in game voting.
Team Scoring
There are 3 main components to scoring: The POPULARITY CONTEST, the AWARDS CEREMONY, and the GRAND PRIZE.
Each component is worth one point. The team with the most points wins the SACRED BATTLE.
The POPULARITY CONTEST is totaled based on the amount of submissions under one team. The team with the most submitted games will win the vote.
You can only contribute to the POPULARITY CONTEST by submitting a game yourself.
The AWARDS CEREMONY is calculated based on the amount of non-GRAND PRIZE awards won by team members. All awards categories are worth the same for this portion.
1st place prizes give 3 points, 2nd place gives 2 points, 3rd place gives 1 point.
You can check the awards list at this link.
The GRAND PRIZE point goes to the team with the most 1st place GRAND PRIZE AWARDS. As of now, those are:
Best Overall
Best Game Engine
Best Use of Themes
Most Creative
Worst User Experience
In the event of a tie, the tie will be broken based on the team that has the most 2nd place grand prizes.
- Multiple submissions and aliases per person are allowed, but one person spamming multiple low effort submissions under different aliases in an attempt to win the POPULARITY CONTEST is heavily frowned upon.
- You are allowed to vote the same game for multiple categories. However once again, it is against the spirit of POSErsnet to vote only based on the SACRED BATTLE and not game contents!
- You do not have to use both themes, but using at least one is highly recommended.
So what does the team get for winning?
Woah, I'm not qualified to answer that. A feeling of superiority? Something extra special eventually? Don't question me. I don't know all the answers. Learn to chill out and enjoy the ride once in a while.
What if I think this SUCKS?
You are freely able to ignore the SACRED BATTLE if you wish, as the rest of the game jam will function just about the same as POSE, and awards are still given out individually. However just know that your karmic score in the universe goes down by not choosing a side.
If you need help with something, feel free to email me at nameimpending@gmail.com or send a message to @lisardggyxyz or @name_impending on twitter. I am willing to put up late submissions if you have technical difficulties.