- no porn
- no gore
- no malware
some horror imagery/text is allowed on all pages.
sensitive content, further disturbing imagery/text, and slightly nsfw content is allowed only on internal sin. real gore is not allowed no matter what splinter you use.
submitting a new page
splinters are personalized webpages that are added either to one of the root pages or from another splinter. pages in the index (the roots) are admin created only.
- submit your webpage(s) to me as a zip file containing any necessary elements for the page to run. test your page before submitting it.
- you do not have to make your page fit any specific theme despite the different splinters. choose whatever one youd like, make whatever you want for it.
- there is no restrictions on what is allowed on a page outside of the rules above. there are no standards. have fun with it
- any sort of javascript usage is allowed as long as there is no malicious code.
- downloadable content is allowed but it still must abide by the details of this page.
- offsite links are allowed as long as they don't lead somewhere malicious.
i will add a link to your page from any open page of your choosing. closed pages can only have links added if they fall under reopening criteria (bottom of page).
you may have multiple html pages together in one submission as long as they're all connected to eachother. if you want to make another splinter leading from somewhere else do it in a separate submission.
pages can have multiple places that link to them, but in your initial submission just limit it to one or two.
bonus note: although you are allowed to use links for images and other files to display on your page, i personally recommend including the files directly inside your website's zip folder for testing and archival purposes. images hosted on discord are likely to break!
if your page is not on the site within a few days, you should probably try submitting again or email me at , it is possible the page didn't send correctly or there was some other reason it did not get uploaded
you must add a html comment at the top of your page(s) including this info:
- author name
- editor name(s) if this is an edit of another person's page (skip if not applicable)
- is your page open to having new splinters added to it? (say open/closed)
- are there any other authors who are allowed to edit this page? (skip if not applicable)
- date of creation + date of last update
- additional notes (can be anything)
if your page is open, please indicate spots on the page (using comments) where you would prefer links be added by others.
updating a page
update form
use the update form to submit a page update to me, include a zip file with all changes necessary.
you must ensure that your updates do not cut off any subsplinters connected to your page.
reopening criteria:
- the original page author must have not updated or created a page in 6 months (time limit may change in the future)
- must not be a protected page
pages will become protected if they are already closed and are connected to important site stuff (ie. this page) or are major enough to warrant it/particularly impressive
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